• ● 280 families received 50 lb. bags of rice in assistance to relieve hunger. Each family consisted of 4 or more, and we fed over 1,000 people.

    ● 25 orphans/vulnerable young girls received inner-healing counseling.

    ● 350 children received Love Box Care Packages. Each box was filled with slippers, books, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toys, school supplies and snacks.

  • Human Trafficking Awareness

    ● 250 fair trade handmade products from GFM. www.globalfashionmission.com

    ● 150 Yummmm Bars https://yummmmbar.com/

    ● 250 tote bags handmade by survivors of exploited women donated by, The Tote Project www.thetoteproject.com

    ● 250 human trafficking awareness t-shirts donated by Forgotten Children Inc. https://forgottenchildreninc.org/

    ● 250 DrinkLyte hydration beverage donated by DrinkLyte Co. https://drinklyte.co/

    ● Fresh fruits donated by Narrative Food, woman-owned, award-winning Bcorp and member of 1% for the Planet. Specialized curated gift boxes of small-batch foods, which give back to nonprofits. https://narrativefood.com/

    *Links and references in this report were accurate at the time of publication.

  • We partnered with East LA Women’s Center and The House Church in Boyle Heights where we held support group meetings and resourced and educated the women as needed. Support groups were in both English and Spanish.

    ● Outreach to 10-12 clubs and reached over 500 women a month.

    ● Distributed 250 gift bags throughout the month. Gift bags contained, lip gloss, makeup, and items from partner, https://damselindefense.net, along with our contact information.

    *Links and references in this report were accurate at the time of publication.



  • ● Over 200 students attended the Y.E.S.S. event

    ● Guest speaker Gary Miller and various musicians of Rock Against Trafficking (R.A.T) https://rockagainsttrafficking.org

    In 2014 Gary Miller founded the Rock Against Trafficking, a non-profit organization driven by seasoned music industry veterans who are taking action to end human trafficking on a global scale. The first Rock Against Trafficking (R.A.T) album "Set Them Free", produced by Miller, features Police and Sting covers performed by various well-known artists, such as the rock band Journey, Heart, Carlos Santana, Slash, Julian Lennon, Ellis Hall, and En Vogue.

    *Links and references in this report were accurate at the time of publication.

  • ● Trained an aggregate total of 500 key leaders and concerned citizens within the Los Angeles County community on human trafficking 101.

    ● Over 150 youth from middle school to high school in the broader Los Angeles County community completed our online human trafficking cyber prevention awareness course.

  • We pivoted to respond to the uptick of online exploitation:

    • Established multiple courses/webinars which included:

      • Trafficking 101: with victim, survivor, and Educator- Karen Wyatt.

      • Real Essentials Program with trainer Sheena Evans of Real Essentials for Parents and Youth https://www.myrelationshipcenter.org

      • Current Human Trafficking Issues Among Youth in America presented by Homeland Security with Special Agent, Sandra Cornelius.

    • Provided food, transportation, and shelter to survivors to ensure they had resources and essentials to provide safety throughout the pandemic.

    • November - December we assisted survivor Sarah K. during the preparation of a documentary. This included emotional and financial support throughout the process from pre-production through to post- production.



  • Y.E.S.S. - In collaboration with The Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force and the Long Beach Unified School District; presented an expert panelist that consisted of a human trafficking survivor, law enforcement, trauma counselor, and an NGO. The event reached over 200 students, parents, and guardians.

  • ● Our organization rented a large tent to provide information, resources, as well as, create a safe space for private dialogue in this high-risk community.

    ● Our team reached over 300+ people in Gallup, New Mexico, and developed substantive relationships. Assisted Kim, a Native American survivor of sex trafficking, and her children with food, financial help, temporary shelter and essential day-to-day resources.

    ● Red Rock event inspired Project Broken Arrow - a safe haven initiative for human trafficking survivors.

    Opportunity to work with the Navajo Nation

    ○ Community assessment and developed solid relationships with community leaders, elected officials and core business leaders in the community.

  • This past year we worked among The Dine’ Nation (Navajo Nation) in Gallup, New Mexico. The first phase of our initiative consisted of identifying stakeholders who shared our vision to eliminate sex trafficking among their Native American community and partnering with local small businesses, faith communities, and residents. In October we met with several key government officials in Gallup and surrounding areas. These meetings were highly productive and established a solid foundation to gain trust and continued support from the community. It became clear that this atrocity has been widely ignored for decades.

    Our initiative, Project Broken Arrow, is committed to providing mental and physical refuge, education, empowerment tools and daily necessities to properly rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking.

  • ● Over 150 students engaged and participated in our human trafficking engagement project.

    ● Students created a short anti-human trafficking marketing video for our organization, as part of the “Giving Tuesday Campaign”.


    *Links and references in this report were accurate at the time of publication.



  • ● Helped support over 100 female prisoners with immediate relief by providing personal hygiene items.

  • Participated in speaking engagement with FNI Team to community leaders in Norman, Oklahoma

    ● Reached over 30 community leaders and key stakeholders from the Chickasaw Nation.

    ● Awareness and education on human trafficking within the Native American Tribes.



  • ● Awareness and education on human trafficking to over 200 attendees within the community of Tulsa.

    ● Developed partnerships with key stakeholders and community leaders for future outreach collaboration.

  • ● Over 300 attendees including middle and high school students and parents.

    ● Informative speakers and local dignitaries highlighted the importance of deterring predators by building a strong and united community coming together against human trafficking.

    ● Parents and youth, via breakout sessions, were given a deeper understanding around interactive safety and awareness education about human trafficking.

  • ● Reached over 500 people with education and awareness within the community of SanDiego.

    ● Developed relationships with key stakeholders and partnerships for future collaborations.

    ● Survivor Sara K. shared her familial trafficking story with over 500 people.

  • ● Established a Task Force in Gallup New Mexico and surrounding areas.

    ● Monthly meetings with key stakeholders.

    ● Expanding network of influence with law enforcement, educators and support services.

A message From Patrice Perrone, CEO and Founder

The Project Foundation exists today due to the love, dedication and commitment given by a very small group of passionate individuals. The organization has been operating with no paid staff and each project has been executed by highly skilled, senior level professionals simply willing to give their time to this cause. I am immensely grateful for their participation in joining forces to prevent sex trafficking and the exploitation of women and children.

If given an average hourly rate for volunteers (*based on $31.80 p/volunteer hour in California, according to the Independent Sector), our payroll from 2019 - 2023 would add up to $717,217.20.

*Links and references in this report were accurate at the time of publication.